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Train with us

Learn the way you like

Different people learn in different ways so we offer our training in a setting and environment that best suits your learning style and goals.

One-on-one tutoring

Your tutoring is free, confidential, and intended for learners who aren’t able to come to regularly schedule training or who require special accommodations.

You’ll be matched with a trained volunteer and can decide:

  • Choose the location when you feel most comfortable learning. This could be your home, the library, our office, or anywhere else you choose.
  • Which tutor is the right fit for you
  • Your preferred days and times to meet
  • What skills you’d like to learn

Note: Matches are made based on suitability and not on a first-come-first-served basis.

Reach us to learn more about our one-on-one tutoring.

Small group classroom
Learning in small groups gives you an opportunity to work towards your goals in a casual yet structured environment. Our free classes usually have 10 or less students so you can benefit from group and individual instruction.

Reach us to learn more about our small group classroom opportunities.


Depending on what training program you decide to take, you might be able to choose online training and learn from the comfort of your own home (or anywhere you please)!

Reach us to learn more about our e-learning opportunities.

Prepare to succeed

Curious to know what free training might be right for you and your future? Click on the program name to get the details.

Take the next step to a better life.



