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Who we are

Our History

TCLC is proud to help learners reach success with their chosen goal paths:

  • Employment
  • Apprenticeship
  • Secondary school credit
  • Post-secondary education
  • Independence

Tri-County Literacy Council was founded in Cornwall, Ontario in 1986 after a small grassroots group identified training gaps in the community. To help rural learners and other who faced barriers in attending existing educational programs, the group secured funding and recruited volunteer tutors, and started offering free and confidential tutoring and small group training. In its first year, the agency served 10 learners but quickly scaled its offerings to accommodate more than 100 learners.

By 2001, they relocated to a famous local landmark—the Trinity Anglican Church manse at 101 Second Street West, Cornwall—to accommodate increased programming.

Today, the agency contributes to a larger network, Literacy Link Eastern Ontario, and partners with T.R. Leger Alternative School and St. Lawrence College.

Meet Our Team

Angela Vinet

Executive Director

“I oversee the direction of our organization and am happy to chat with you about our work.”

Carolyn Eva

Project Coordinator

“I’m here to take care of the details and make sure you’re set up for success!”

Danielle Bray

Marketing Coordinator

“I publicize our programs so that people sign up to learn, volunteer, or offer support.”

Carol Anne Maloney

Coordinator of Volunteers and Instructor

“I make sure you get to learn from the best people.”

Take the next step to a better life.



